Man Disrespects Lady because of Her Job, He Ends Up Regretting It.

A girl walks quickly into a pub as though late for work and is hugged by a man who happens to be her younger brother.

Frank: Thanks a lot for coming, Sis. I’m really sorry for the bother.

Grace: Don’t worry about it. You know I’m here for you whenever I can. We are family, that’s what family does, be there for one another.

She smiles and exits to the staff room to keep her bag, get changed, and wash her hands before beginning. While Grace is away, a rich and successful-looking young man walks into the pub and sits at the counter. Just then, Grace returns and stands at the counter to serve him

Grace: Hi sir, what would you like to have?

Mark: (Looks at Grace lecherously, smiles cunningly, and in a proud voice) What about a glass of you?

Grace: I’m sorry?

Mark: I’ll get… the most expensive wine, but you have to drink it with me. I bet you don’t have       those kinds of offers so often (grins).

Grace: (Ignores the downgrading) Thanks for the offer, but I can’t drink while working. So, our most expensive wine is…

Mark: (cuts her off) Oh, you’re being proud. Well, since I am a kind and nice gentleman, I might overlook that and try to be understanding. What about I wait for you or pick you up after your shift to give you a taste of rich life which I’m sure you have never had, and you can drink as much as you want.

Grace: Thank you, Sir, but I’ll pass on your offer.

Mark: I’m offering to give you an experience for free which most girls will fight for and you are being very rude.

Grace: I am truly sorry… Your offer sounds great, but I don’t drink.

Mark: (Laughs mockingly) Are you kidding me? You sell in a pub and you don’t drink? That should be the most senseless excuse I’ve heard this week. Cheers to that! What do poor people like you know about having a good time, anyway? You are just a bartender, at least have some decency to cook up a better excuse or lie.

Grace: I think you are being very disrespectful, Sir.

Mark: You are a bartender, what kind of respect would you expect to get from someone like me?

Grace: (Hesitates and then speaks up) Everyone deserves respect irrespective of their job or social status. I would appreciate it if you could tell me what drink you’d like to have, please.  

Mark: (Laughs hysterically) Respect? People like you can only receive respect from your                 kind. (Frank walks in and hears him talking disrespectfully to Grace). I don’t understand how poor people can be so proud. You are supposed to jump for joy and kiss my feet for being humble enough to ask you to go out with me.

Frank: What’s going on here?

Mark: You know, you should fire this woman. She has been so rude to customers.

Grace: (Looks surprisingly) No, I haven’t.

Mark: How did you hire such an insolent and retched person? She has no class.

Frank: Sir, I have to ask you not to disrespect my staff, please.

Mark: (Looks proudly at Frank) What would you do, man? I am your customer. You need me and my money, all you poor people.

Frank: Sorry, Sir, but I’ll have to ask you to leave. Disrespecting my staff is against our policy and values. Everyone deserves respect irrespective of their job or status.

Mark: (Walks out) You will come running to me lady and I’ll be sure to write the worst               review about this place. Watch yourself hit rock bottom.

Frank: (Walks over to Grace) Are you okay?

Grace: I’m fine, don’t worry. Thanks for that.

Frank: I’m really sorry about that, Sis. You just happen to run into such people at times when you are in this business. However, you equally get to meet really nice people and many at times, meet people who are going through a hard time, and just need someone to talk to or to listen, you know. They come here to unwind and some open-up or break down, I get to be a listening ear. You also get to see people celebrating successes. I love what I do, and this is a precious gift Dad left for me. I want to treasure it and see it grow for as long as I can run it.

Grace: I know, and I’m very proud of you, little bro. I’m sure Mum and Dad are too. Bless their memory. (They hug each other warmly)

A week later, Mark is reported for disrespecting his staff and other clients at work and gets fired immediately. He becomes so frustrated and comes to drink his frustration away in Frank’s pub. On the other hand, business has been booming for Frank. People not only come in to drink but to listen to the soul-lifting life music and spend time with their families and friends in the positive energy radiating environment.

Mark: (Sits on a chair at the counter. In an arrogant tone) Give me a drink, stupid.

The new bar tender who is more courageous stands up to him

Bartender: (Boldly) You need to speak nicely, Mr.

Mark: Whatever! Can I have 3 shots of Jack Daniels. (Apologetically) I’m just having a really bad day here. I lost my job and I really need one now.

Bartender: (Sympathetically) I’m sorry to hear that.

Frank is at a corner in the pub on the phone with Grace. He turns and sees Mark, asks Grace to give him a minute and walks over to Mark.

Frank: Hey, man. (They shake hands) You don’t look very bright. Are you okay?

Mark: Hey, man. No, I’m just looking for a job, man. I got laid off.

Frank: So sorry about that, bro. (Hesitates for a while and then speaks) See, bro, I can have you in as a server here for the time being, you know, while you are try to get something. That might help you out.

Mark: A what!? (laughs hysterically) Man, I haven’t reached that rock bottom yet. I am a rich guy and a man of class. I can never be seen mingling with people like you. Don’t worry, when I get back my high paying job, I’ll shower you with money. (Turns away and mumbles to himself) Ha! Me, work as a waiter, hilarious!

Frank: Okay man, I was just trying to help. I wish you the best. (Walks away. Returns to his call with Grace who had been listening to the conversation.)

Frank: Sorry about that, Grace.

Grace: That sounded like the rude guy I met at the pub.

Frank: Yes, that was him and he hasn’t changed. What a shame!

Three days later, Mark is called for an interview at a multimillion-dollar company – Jenkins Corporation Limited. He is elated and gets there in time.

Frank: (To the receptionist) Hi, I’ve come for the interview.

Receptionist: I’m sorry to inform you that the manager is not around. However, the CEO has said she will conduct the interviews for today. If you would take a sit, please.

She calls the CEO’s office and informs her that the candidate is around. She leaves her desk, walks over to Mark and shows him to the interview room.   

Receptionist: She will be with you in a few minutes, Sir. Please, take a sit.

After 10 minutes, Grace walks into the room. Mark is sitting on a chair backing the door. He hears footsteps and stands up to greet.

Mark: (Without haven’t seen the person coming in) Thank you very much for this opportunity, I promise… (Sees the lady and recognises her as the bar tender from the pub) You… What are you doing here? Haha! Do you think this is some kind of pub where people like you work? If you have come for the interview, forget about it, I’m getting this job. You will run back to me for my offer, but it will be too late for you. (chuckles and sits down)

Grace: (Looks at him, smiles and walks over to the office chair and sits down) It’s nice to meet you again Mr… (looks at name from CV) Mr Mark Banks. I am Grace Jenkins and this is my company.

Mark: (Looks extremely surprising. Adopts an apologetic tone) Emmm… But I though… How is this possible? (Feels embarrassed and tries to present himself as a nice gentleman).

Grace: (Smiles) Well, you see, I was working at my brother’s pub because his staff called in sick that morning and he needed a hand. I was free that day and decided to help him out.  

Mark: Emmm… I really apologise about last time. I did not know you were the CEO of a      multimillion dollar company.

Grace: Well, Mr Banks, it is interesting to see that you have not changed, and you still have regard for social status more than respect. As I said, everyone deserves respect irrespective of their job or social status. That is a virtue my company upholds in great esteem. And since you disregard other people just because they are not as socially privileged as you, I am sorry but there is no room for you here. I hope you learn from this. You can see yourself out. (Stands up and walks away. Mark is disappointed and regrets his actions and pride).

    Everyone deserves respect irrespective of their job or social status

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